Today we will discuss finances and snow storms with Sergio Troncoso, El Paso native and author now living in Manhattan. Troncoso pens
We'll also be talking to Vanessa M. Macias, Las Villitas Project Manager at the El Paso Museum of History.
Tune into 1150 AM at 1 p.m. or stream the show at
Press ReleaseFour goals form the basis of Las Villitas: Neighborhoods & Shared Memories:
I. Preserve, interpret and increase an appreciation for neighborhood-based history with the hopes of fostering a sense of place and pride in the local community.
II. Give voice to El Paso citizens in a museum setting.
III. Enhance the Museum’s mission by linking the community and museum in a series of projects that explore key themes.
IV. Develop a variety of educational programming.
How will Las Villitas represent neighborhoods in El Paso?
Las Villitas will transition through El Paso neighborhoods based on how the city grew historically. From the 1873 incorporation, El Paso expanded east along the Franklin Mountains into Central, up into the Northeast, continuing into the Lower Valley and Northwest El Paso. Communities outside the city limits, like San Elizario, will also be included.
The first two neighborhoods featured are Chihuahuita and El Segundo Barrio.
Through photographs, artifacts and oral histories, Las Villitas focuses on these key content areas to tell the neighborhood’s overall history:
• Evolution of Community
• Family & Home
• Leisure Time
• Social Status
• Work
When will Las Villitas take place?
The grand opening for Las Villitas is scheduled for Summer 2010 at the El Paso Museum of History.
Who can participate in Las Villitas?
Past and present neighborhood residents can participate through the Community Coalition. This group will help spread the word about Las Villitas special events and programs to their neighbors, friends, and organizations.
El Pasoans with a connection to the featured neighborhoods can participate in several Collection Days. On these days, El Pasoans will share their photographs and special artifacts related to the neighborhood with staff and volunteers. Selected items will be used in the gallery. These items can be from any time period as long as they relate to the neighborhood.
Where do I get more information about Las Villitas?
More information is on its way! If you would like to participate, contact Vanessa Macias, Las Villitas Project Manager, at 351-3588 or email her at