Thursday, April 19, 2018

Beth Adler on her new series of Monoprints inspired by Ikebana

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We visit Beth in her art studio on Florence Ave in West Evanston that she shares with artist Alice George, to talk about her upcoming show at Firecat Projects, where she finds time to make new work and being openness to the randomness in printmaking. Visit for more information.

Show Info: April 20, Opening Reception, “What I've Learned From Flower Arranging,” a show of monoprints by Beth Adler and ceramics by Nancy Gardner, inspired by the artists’ explorations of flowers and plants.

Though she’s worked with natural forms for years, Beth Adler found a new opportunity to explore colors, patterns, and geometry when she happened on an illustrated book about Ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arranging. By modifying the book--painting on and adding to the pages--she discovered an intimate visual language that became the basis for her new series of monoprints.

Additional Events:
• Flower arranging workshop by Larkspur Flowers & Design, free and open to the public, with vases by Nancy Gardner available for purchase. Tuesday April 24, 6-9 PM.
• Designer showcase, open to design professionals. Thursday May 3, 2-7 PM.
• Artists talk, Saturday May 19, 1 PM  Exhibition is open during regular gallery hours, M-Sat 10-4.
Firecat Projects is located at 2124 N Damen Ave, Chicago.       

The Lisa D Show is a podcast celebrating creatives, featuring 20-minute,  unedited conversations that mimic the live-radio vibe, low tech on  purpose. Reach out to host Lisa Degliantoni at thelisadshow[at]

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