Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Cécile Trentini's Daily Walking Exhibit

Click on the white arrow in the orange circle to listen to the podcast from your browser or visit https://soundcloud.com/lisa-degliantoni

Artist Cécile Trentini hated to exercise until she added a simple twist, art making. This is how it went, walk for 15 minutes at a high speed then stop and take a photo, turn around, walk back. She then printed the photo on fabric, collected 100 of such photos and created a quilt. Over the quilted pieces, she sewed painterly elements with thread. The end result is a healthier Trentini and a elegant collection of painterly quilts.

This conversation covers the life of this project to date and where it plans to go.

See Trentini's work on display at One River School in Downtown Evanston, 1033 Davis Street. Opening party this Saturday, March 7, 5-7p. Work is on display thru March 20.

Artist Statement

I sew, I dye, I print, I walk, I take pho­tos, I col­lect, I cro­chet, I stitch, I draw...

I de­sign and dis­card, I plan pre­cise­ly and de­cide in­tu­itive­ly, I work in large and small for­mats, I love the rhythm of re­­pe­ti­tions and ex­plore the di­ver­si­ty of vari­a­tions, I de­fine rules of the game and play with serendip­i­ty, I work with va­­­lu­able ma­te­ri­als and with every­day ob­jects...- Cécile Trentini

See more work at https://www.ceciletrentini.ch


Cécile's opening exhibit is part of Evanston Made's First Saturday Evanston Art Events, free happenings across Evanston the first Saturday of every month. 

First Saturday Evanston Art Events, 3/7. Experience Evanston's Art Scene at art openings, pop up sales, community art making & more. #collectevanstonart

Open Studio: Gillian Muller-Greyz, 1423 Hinman Ave., 10a-4p

Sarah Chapman (jewelry), Steve Skinner (pottery), Darlys Ewoldt (metal sculpture), SPACE900, 816 Dempster St., 10a - 8:30p

Melissa Ann Pinney, Open Studio Project Gallery 901, 901 Sherman Ave., 3-5p

Dana Phillips, Ice House Gallery, 609 South Blvd, 5-7p

Chris Froeter's “Voices”, The Saw Room at Alley Gallery, 1712 Sherman Ave., 5-8p

Kristen Neveu & elisa ann lindstrom, Creative Coworking, 922 Davis St., 5-7p

Cécile Trentini, One River School of Art + Design, 1033 Davis St., 5-7p

Amy Gertler, 1100 Florence Gallery, 1100 Florence Ave., 6-9p

De Colores Group Show, 2113 Greenleaf #6, 6:30-8:30p


The Lisa D Show podcast features interviews and conversations with creatives living and working in Evanston, IL. Recordings typically happen in the 1100 Florence Gallery. Learn more about host Lisa Degliantoni at thelisadshow.blogspot.com

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